Solar Return of the Muse

From the Wisdom Series

I am just coming out of writers block … even a creative block,  however writing and documenting is calling me back (amongst other things)

So now I return to writing this blog and other things, that will support my Art work and practice.
And now on my Solar ReturnI am reflecting on a very tumultuous, creative, and dynamic year.
I have learned I am more patient, more understanding and more diplomatic than I thought.

I have learned that even through the great and dynamic endingscoupled with smooth and surprising beginnings. I have received support from unexpected sources.

I have learned that Angels and Devils look alike but they walk among us all the time teaching us lessons.

I havelearned when we plan the Creator laughs

I havelearned that time is the greatest healer and also the one of the greatest teachers after LOVE.

I have learned that I didn’t know it all,  and I need to be in the present.

I have learned I needed to trustlife more.

I have learned that my relationship with the Creator needed an overhaul

I have learned that my cat was not trying to kill me.

I have learned that some people may not be happy for you when you’re are soaring as much as they are there when you are falling.

I have learned that bravery creates better situations and courage does not eliminate fear but makes the experiencing manageable.

I have learned that you will find kindness in unexpected places.

I have learned I did not die because I took the alternative path.

I have learned that I am not perfect, not the oracle, and that I can be an incredibly insecure and oversensitive, but that is a by-product of my creative makeup.

I have learned that I am an inspiration to myself

I have learned to embrace the part of me that is an introvert, but I need this to tap into the other worlds that give me inspiration.

I have learned that I am ready to be an adult (somewhat).

Muse (ic) to inspire check out Aja Monet’s brilliant Poetry What I ‘ve learnedhere

Catching up with Life and Summer Solstice


It has been a while and I keep wanting to write here back again, but I was called away doing several projects that called to my immediate attention (but back to that later)

However convenient Social media can be there is always a high risk of distraction, over stimulation and procrastination.

So I have have given myself a challenge.

From the 24th June until my birthday which is the 24th of JulyI will blog every week, (with a minimum once a week) to feed my writing muse.

Ok…..Deep breath.

So back to projects well there is Wombstories, 30/30 wellness, and our Monthly workshops
Please click the links, support, share and pass onto your network.

I hope you had a Happy Solstice!

Marilyn x

p.s. Please subscribe to our wellness channel Wellness Fontaine

Of Rites of Passage

Most of us are somewhat divorced or separate from our Indigenous practicesand there is a feeling ofdisplacement and aninability to navigate through life as an adult.

Therapy, Mindfulness or Religion are the tools some of use to reclaim or connect with the lost parts of ourselves.   However a few people still may wonder aimlessly through life trying to compensate for the huge emptiness that is experienced by living without understanding of self, without purpose,  without the awareness of how to self nurture.  Often times life is the mystery school and we go througha Rites of Passages by default,  unguided and without the necessary wisdomthat causesmore damage than good.

We need to know why Rites of Passageespecially for men is so important and without the romanticised notion that they were   spiritual and lovely.    Rites of Passages were potentially dangerous and in some cases fatal, so my wish is not forthe return of these practices ( or the old ways) but the understanding and awareness of why they were so important for the development of a young man or woman into their society (which is another issue).

There are only a few organisations here in England trying to assist young men and women through adulthood but for those who do not qualify because of age can start with this book, Of Water and Spirit by Malidome Some –  because for me it connected that dots and helped me to understand (or over stand) that we all must consciously go through or be aware of the purpose of aRites of Passages.

Thank you Jennifer Lewis for introducing this book to me.


Introduction to Womb Wisdom /Womb Healing

Introduction to Womb Wisdom /Womb Healing - January 24th 2015

Using the medium of Art journalling and meditation looking at our wombs and the roles they play in the part of manifesting and creativity.

We will look at techniques for healing and working with general problems women face such as Fibroids, and cysts, heavy menstruation.


Womb Wisdom: The function of the womb, The spiritual significance of the womb and its functions.  Dysfunctions of the wombs and how it impacts our relationships.  How to support womb healing : Healing Modalities such as essential oils, movement, massage, fasting, womb foods.    An introduction to the Yoni Eggs and their functions.

Womb Healing Practical:  Meditations, andCreative Art Womb Healing art piece using the Creative Healing process.

Food Provided but participants are encouraged to bring a dish to share.

100 Digital Sisters of 2014

I am glad to be included as one of the 7 ‘Enchantistas’ of the 100 Digital Sisters of 2014! Thank you Ananda Leeke this is an honor xx#digitalsisterhood

“An Enchantista is a woman who taps into the magic of her spirit as she focuses her energy, opens her heart, trusts her intuition, embraces her fears, and shares her gifts in service to others.” Ananda Leeke creator of #digitalsisterhood

Thank you Ananda Leeke


From the Heart -Time for some Yoga 4 of 4

I never forget that morning in Jamaica 2010 when I took this picture, it was 7.00am in the morning and the sun was shinning gloriously.

My energy was balanced and even though mentally I had some challenges my physical body was in peak condition which was due to a semi raw diet, sleep, less stress and my own person chef (well that came with its own challenges).

I still practice yoga and Chi Kung every day however this consists of  Sun Salutations and then onto my Plank and 30/30 wellness exercises

My body is going into rebellion asthe nights are getting longer (until 21st December 2014) .  Post retreat I have now decided to take you yoga in a class on Saturdays which is right on top of my local Farmers Market

I believe that with the increasing need to connect via Social Network I forgot the good old person to person interaction, and even though my moon circlesare a great way to connect with other women I need to really attend a Yoga centre to be assisted better as opposed to my home practice or via a class online.  Now is the time to be challenged and seen, to be exposed and pushed, to really sweat and see my insecurities by (comparingmyself to others) to praise myself when I master a posture.  I am calling myself to action so that I am able to take my practice to a new level even if I find it uncomfortable and vulnerable in the process.

Les Bohemes Retreat in St Lucia

It has taken me a while to write this blog post because how could I put into word the amazing experience I had as a Facilitator for the Les Bohemes retreat in St Lucia.

I was invite by this Creative and innovative retreat company to run a series of Creative Healing workshops for their October Wellness retreat.  I focused on Healing through Expressive Art. 

With‘Picture book’ breath taking views, amazing healthy organic food and wonderful participants, the retreat created a wonderful experience of sharing and allowing, and I know for a few people this experience will have an impact for a very long time.   Apart from the amazing food created , yoga classes and cooking lessons;  words cannot convey the experience because in this instance the pictures speak more than words ever could.

Working as a Facilitator and with clients for over ten years I realise that to get the best out of clients and participantsis to surrender with boundaries whilst allowing the experience to unfold.  Working withgroups allows me to learn more about other people and how they view the world (must be the anthropologist in me).  Stepping aside to allow othersto shine is one of the most important humbling, gracious and loving acts a Facilitator can do.

Altars reposted from an old blog in 2007

I never travel anywhere without bringing my mobile altar.
My travel alter consists of a medal from Lourdes my mother gave me , my crystals ; Rose Quartz crystal, Black Tourmaline, Turquoise and whatever I pick up on the way out . I also have a small medicine bag full of special objects.
I always have to bring Nag Champa, my friends and family have became devotees of this sexy incense, and now ask if I am bringing this.   Altars always sets the scene in any cold hotel room, I even prefer to unpack my objects rather than my clothes. I also bring a journal or a small note book, when I feel the need to vent my spleen or write deep and meaningful insights. I also seem to have an epiphany when I am away, which is quickly lost during a hard nights raving.( please note this was written about 7 years ago ).

Anyway smug a nonspiritual /ironic friend asks me tartly ‘it is a bit much to carry all this stuff with you all the time, what if you lose all that stuff? Well… my answer is that Altars are a representation of the creator, the universe and my dame fine self LOL. (This was lost on her even the last bit!).

As long as I have access to objects which represent either the elements such as a stone, shell, feather water element etc (the list is endless) or objects which I just like to look at,… I am able to create an altar…and feel at home from my own home…
In the past I have recommended that clients create alters which represent them, rather than how the alter should look like; for example my friend has small objects by the kitchen sink, this is an altar representing her fun /inner child side and the only time she has to come to this place, and feel good during the washing up (unfortunately) but this times till makes her feel very calm being amongst her small objects.

I suppose my love of alters date back to Madame Pompidou (Ma) she always had an altar of saints within the home, (funny not one of them resembled us). Anyway Ma still kneels down to pray to these saints on her altar, at the beginning and the end of the day.  Heaven help us if we disturbed my mother during her prayer time! (talk about good boundaries and fear).
My mother is not alone though ,After reading the book Beautiful Necessity the art and meaning of women’s Altars – by Kay Turner I saw so many versions of my mothers alter from South American to Senegal. So I suppose I am carrying on my with my mothers tradition.
The only difference is that my altar has images s of people that look like and represent me *smiles*Ashe

p.s Some altar sites…