Nourishing your soul - Abhyanga,

A few years ago I undertook an Autumn/Fall cleanse with Yoga Journal which gently eased me into a more self affirming space. The Autumn/Fall season is a time to support the Liver and to help us let go of that which is not needed. The main practice of the Ayurvedic cleanse was the practice of Abhyanga, Abhyanga is an Ayurvedic massage that is used with warm herb-infused oils to suit to each Dosha, Once can book an Ayurvedic practitioner or perform a daily self massage.

Tumeric tea and herb infused oil with sunflower and coconut oil.

Tumeric tea and herb infused oil with sunflower and coconut oil.

This practice is so grounding especially during the darker months and is a great self care tool.

This video by is a great Abhyange demonstration, the company also does a selection of oils to suit each Dosha.