Healing home

What makes your heart sing


Again we are navigating a world upheaval and many people are complaining about feeling drained.

Dear human

Please turn off the TV

Reduce the people you speak to ( I mean being brutal) if they are taxing your energy then you need to set a strong boundary.

You are going to have to choose YOU

because if you don’t you will collapse under the changes that are coming because the biggest commodity on this planet is your energy. but this is fueled by your mind so it is imperative to keep a lid on that which you are consuming.

This may feel hard but chose your peace and your battles wisely. Don’t choose your peace as a buffer but as a nourishing activity. The only way you can do this is to take time out. Make plans for your life in a serious way and not a wishy-washy way be specific and dream big.

Choose the right support and the right people or ecosystem.

Be prepared to lose people along the way, this may feel strong but it will clear your energy field and allow you to have a living practice and space to allow your heart to sing and not be heavy

Even during challenging times, your heart will still sing because it is clear, clear with purpose and from this place you can serve.

Journal Question: In the silence of your peace what makes your heart sing?

If you want more support during this time then book a discovery call to see how I can help you and your creative practice or business. create the correct lifestyle you deserve.

Holistic Book Club - Essential oils, pain relief and a great waistline.

7 minute read. .

I was recently sent three books by Eddison Books on Health and Wellbeing. Now I am a bit of s sceptic because as a Holistic therapist and Former College tutor the books we read were quite detailed clinical type books. Suffice to say it was nearly 20 years ago so I suspect the sophistication of the reader has risen to meet our upgraded HD retinas.

Essential Oils You Can’t Do Without: The Best Aromatherapy Oils for Health, Home and Beauty and How to Use Them by Daniele Festy

The Ketogenic & Hypotoxic Diet: Lose Weight and Improve Health with This Low-Carb, High-Fat, Anti-Inflammatory Plan by Olivia Charlet

Natural Painkillers: Relieve Pain with Natural Remedies and Exercises by Dr Yann Rougier & Marie Borrel


Natural Painkillers: Relieve Pain with Natural Remedies and Exercises by Dr Yann Rougier & Marie Borrelcan came at the right time because I recently experienced a bad back after another Bereavement (if you have listened to my podcast or read my blog on Grief  then you will know how common it is to experience physical ailments after the death of a loved one). The book is jam-packed with various complementary techniques to use such as Acupressure points to help with pain relief,  Healthy foods to help reduce inflammation and also a good range of Homeopathic and Aromatherapy remedies and recipes to assist you with any complementary programme.

Safety note: For any physical ailment one should always consult their GP or Complementary Health Practitioner ( I consulted my Osteopath for my back).


Essential Oils You Can’t Do Without: The Best Aromatherapy Oils for Health, Home and Beauty and How to Use Them by Daniele Festy

When I was asked to review this book I thought it would be just another aromatherapy book with great pics, but I was wrong, it is a great book and great as a reference guide.   This easy to use book is full of information that will help you create some great skincare and wellness blends. 6 Essential Oils You Can't Do Without has great references on all the important data that will allow you to start your essential oil journey. Even for existing Aromatherapists and students alike, this book visually clean and informative, for the novice, it will also be a great companion to creating a Healing home because it has over 300 recipes for the home, skin and body. So for my clients and students alike, I will definitely recommend this lovely book.

The Ketogenic & Hypotoxic Diet: Lose Weight and Improve Health with This Low-Carb, High-Fat, Anti-Inflammatory Plan by Olivia Charlet

I found this book really interesting and again timely because I have spent the winter hibernating and now I am back at the Gym and on the mat.   The Ketogenic & Hypo toxic Diet again was a very informative read. The book breaks down the “Keto” diet which is a diet

Low in carbohydrates and rich in good fats, the ketogenic diet offers the perfect solution to healthy eating for optimum well-being. But in order to be truly beneficial to our health, it should also be hypotoxic (gluten- and dairy-free, with only moderate amounts of organic animal protein). 

The Keto diet says No, to sugar, most fruits or white carbs and Pulses so some Vegans may find this a problem if they eat a lot of cooked Chickpeas or Lentils,(there are options for the sprouted pulses)

As a gluten intolerant Pescatarian  I find pulses hard to digest, even with Seaweed added and soaking,  and the Gluten-free food often leaves me bloated so trying this out has helped reduce the bloating.

The book is clearly written and easy to follow, but for me, my favourite part of the book is the recipes.   Although different I found some of the foods choices similar to the Paleo diet, however, the Keto is about changing macronutrients to start a natural fat burning process. (correct me if I am wrong) and the Paleo is about eliminating dairy, grains and processed foods. Both diets are good for Auto Immune, Weight loss and Gluten intolerance. As for the weight loss, I am only on day 1 so I will let you know if I follow this for 5 days.  I will definitely add this book to the reading list of my self paced course the 30/30 Wellness programme.and now that is a bonus. All books are available for all outlets such as Amazon and Foyles.

How to create a healing home


My home was a rainbow house when I first moved in because I was working on all Chakras simultaneously.

As I dug deeper into self-actualisation, my home became more neutral and the canvas became my healing landscape. I really believe that your home reflects your ‘ Human’ condition at it’s level of evolution.  What do you mean Marilyn?

Well, your home reflects your mental and emotional situation..

We have all seen the TV series Horders and also the new show by Marie Kondo reiterates this point change your home through clearing clutter then you change your life. Changing your decor, colour, or adding an accent wall or cushions can transform any space.so, also the use of candles, incense and crystals can make a home feel calm and tranquil . I have listed 5 tools you can use consciously to change your environment to support yourself.

1 . Space clearing / Clutter Clearing

Self explanatory, but clearing old clothes, magazines or books creates space for new things to come into your life. Holding onto outdated clothes or shoes can create a sense of heaviness. Check out Marie Kondo’s show on Youtube or Netflix.

2. Air Purifiers

Fresh air by opening our windows, by opening our windows we are letting go of the energy we processed the day or night before. Fresh air creates more fluidity in your home this is really important if you are suffering from Depression and anxiety.

Air purifiers are also great for allergy sufferers, damp environments as well as dust mites in rooms

Other natural purifiers
Sage. Palo Santo or Sweetgrass - Ok I am not rewriting the wheel as this is very basic, but Sage is good to use very quickly to purify a space, and these scents are very good for clearing the atmosphere.

Essential Oils - Lavender /  Frankincense / Juniper - Does what Sage et al does

Rose/ Ylang Ylang/ Jasmine - To create that mood for romance or self-love.

Lemongrass / Peppermint- To stimulate that mind for study, conversation or concentration.

3. Artwork

Purchase artwork from independent artists or create your own check out Pinterest or join my list for my creative workshops. you can see past events here .

Artwork that reflects the things your love or the mood you want to capture is an affirmation of who you are, so choosing artwork will create an atmosphere of calm or positivity.

4. An altar

Please check my post on Altars creating a space for you to meditate, honour your family or ancestor.

An altar is like a portal between you and spirit and all your wishes can be placed on your altar. You can have one in every room.

5. Natural Products
Limiting the use of plastic in your home reduces environmental waste and is also more beneficial for your health as plastic can leech harmful chemicals . Wooden bowls, paper straws and china cups also add to the clean healing element to your home. Save old jars and bottles for storage and to hold fruit juices and smoothies.

Try to have more natural fibres where possible and replace synthetic items with more natural materials slowly as this can be expensive to do at once. I am slowly replacing some of my soft furnishings with more natural products where possible.

For cleaning try using essential oils, vinegar and soda crystals to have a cost effective cleaning product (please check my future posts on Natural cleaning products).

Want to change your life then take my Free Creative Healing Life coaching course.

Let me know what you do to create your healing home.


Recommended book by Marie condo

Air Purifier