confidence building

Mindful Menopause/Wild Women

LIsten to podcast

I am seeing a lot of women who are walking around hot sweatly, thinning hair, tired and at their wit's end.  This is the role of the Menopause.

The situation though is that this could be one of the most creative times of a woman’s life but many women are experiencing severe discomfort with the Menopause. I wonder if the level of discomfort during the change has to do with many women trying to function in this very Patriarchal and aggressive western world. Being Peri menopausal I only have symptoms when I am doubting myself or processing a pattern or belief that is familial, and my symptoms come up in the form of heat disappear within in a minute . Fuzzy thinking does happen to me at times, but only comes when I am feeling stressed (which is infrequent because I have a no-nonsense attitude in my life to bullshit and ‘settling‘ in challenging relationships, jobs and friendships). 

So the best option for anybody during this time is to chill out, be present, and stop running on the treadmill because this is a time of rebirth, you are now setting a new path for yourself. This is the time the Body Computer is opening up to becoming Sovereign. (another post on that later) 

Your body is becoming rich with wisdom, and authenticity, but patriarchy states that you are an angry woman on the edge (I believe that is the view of Western / White Male’s patriarchal belief system that wants women to be subservient and well behaved, whilst they desire the women who is full of passion and fire).  Menopause is a time for women to own and understand they have the answers and access to complimentary methods that does work.

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How to navigate the next stage of your life during the Menopause.

I have included a few points to help you on your journey, do not forget to subscribe to my email here so that I can send you the Womb Wisdom free PDF with some more resources on this subject.

  • Be wild, be raw, be truthful, but honour your spirit , and listen to the Triple Goddess ( Intuition) Live as a fully powerful woman in control and acceptance of all her moods.

  • As I type this powerful download I feel my ovaries stirring after a dormant time.  Never in my life have I feel so activated whilst writing. Our body responds to our internal dialogue and external environment so that we can navigate our life accordingly.

  • Love yourself even through your bad days, because your emotions it will work with you in the best way possible.

  • Take that class, change your jobs (yes) and reconsider those toxic relationships.

  • Read up on menopause one place to start is Dr Christian Northrup’s book The Wisdom of Menopause.  There is also a great interview with her and Dr Kelly Brogan MD   click here

And Finally….


Work with me, your Spiritual Doula.

I want to invite you to work with me during this powerful time of transition and insight. My Creative Healing Method programme will create a full blueprint for you at this next stage of your life. Consider this a reinvention of your life.

People Pleasing Over achieving


Sometimes finding the right way to start a blog post is like splitting hairs, I have to be motivated to start the topic otherwise being in my head just makes me freeze like a Deer in headlights.  My anxiety and top dog wants to make me stop because the topic is just not 'smart ' enough.  So, I must wait until my heart is ready to stand in its courage and speak its truth and my truth is;

I am a chronic people pleaser and over achiever

I am also very creative with a 1000 ideas per hour moving through me,  I am also good at monetizing those ideas to make them work for me.

After reading this article I realise how it was important to admit, feel and let go of the need to justify why I had so many streams of income (my embarrassment was linked to people judging me for 'being different)..  

Trying to please others and over achievingis like having an addiction because we are never able to satisfy that craving it will always be the next goal to achieve and the next person to please.   I am have a distinction between my creative energy and overachieving people pleasing.

My creative drive is through an inner guidance that sometimes does not make sense, something I felt when I created the paintings for the 2017 Calender.

My people pleasing is from the need to be praised or an idea suggested by others. 

When I first moved into my studio I felt so small like a fraud as I ignored that voice that said "don't worry you will soon fill this up" and within months I created most of the images for my calendar.  But at the time I was doubting who I was and why did I need to have this studio, because the desire to have the studio was my longing not from others suggesting I have it, I pleased my (inner) self.  .

You don’t know what level is your comfort zone until you are challenged, and one of those challenges are to stop pleasing others and start pleasing yourself.

Suggestion: Chose 5 major choicesyou made in your life and write down the reasons behind the choice and who influenced you.

Post your answers in the comments below.


Marilyn x